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rr_t Struct Reference

#include <MNRTPNetTypes.h>

Collaboration diagram for rr_t:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

u_int32 ssrc
 Receiver generating this report.
rtcp_rr_t rr [1]
 Variable-length list.

Detailed Description

RTCP RR (receiver report) packet.
Memory representation of an RTCP SR (sender report) packet's special part. Contained in rtcp_t. The format of the receiver report (RR) packet is the same as that of the SR packet except that the packet type field contains the constant 201 and the five words of sender information are omitted (these are the NTP and RTP timestamps and sender's packet and octet counts). The remaining fields have the same meaning as for the SR packet. An empty RR packet (RC = 0) is put at the head of a compound RTCP packet when there is no data transmission or reception to report.
See also:

Member Data Documentation

rtcp_rr_t rr_t::rr[1]

Variable-length list.

u_int32 rr_t::ssrc

Receiver generating this report.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Mar 6 13:36:09 2005 for Komssys by doxygen 1.3.8