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Configuration: System

A system configuration is introduced by the <system> tag. In general, a specific komssys executable is configured from one type-dependant system block, and possible one type- and host-dependant system block.

A system block in the configuration file may be either type-dependent, in which case it is introduced with the type parameter such as <system type="client">, which means that it is valid for client executables, or type- and host-dependant, in which case it is introduced with a line like <system type="proxy" host="bansuri">. The host name may be an unqualified or qualified hostname, or it may be given in dotted decimal notation. IPv6 is currently not supported in either case, except on platforms with an integrated gethostbyname() call for IPv4 and IPv6.

Some of the configuration settings in the system block are unstructured configuration values of this basic data types bool, int, string, or enumeration values, others are structured and will be explained in cross-referenced sections. Here is an overview:

  <cseq1 value="false" />
  <no-patching />
  <no-caching />
  <caching-strategy value="FIFO" />
  <cachedir value="/tmp" />
  <cachesize value="1" />
  <tfrc-reply value="false" />
  <rootdir value="/home/sweet/home" />
  <client-nw value="-1" />
  <mcast-if value="eth0" />

And the individual attributes mean:

Grouped settings are described on separate pages:

Generated on Sun Mar 6 13:36:23 2005 for Komssys by doxygen 1.3.8