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RTSPProxySession Class Reference

#include <RTSPProxySession.h>

Collaboration diagram for RTSPProxySession:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  DynReflectionRepositioningMode { FORBIDDEN, SHARED, INDIVIDUAL }

Public Member Functions

 RTSPProxySession (RTSPProxySessionFactory *factory, int sessionID, MNSelector &slct, int fd_down, MNString url, bool doDynReflection=false)
void ref ()
void deref ()
 ~RTSPProxySession ()
void setFillBuffers (ControlBase *FBdown, ControlBase *FBup)
ControlBasegetUpstream ()
ControlBasegetDownstream ()
MNStringgetUrl ()
void start_fsa ()
void storePtr2RequestMsg (RTSPParserBase *base)
void storePtr2ReplyMsg (RTSPParserBase *base)
void Setup (RTSPParserBase *msg, int bw)
void Describe (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void Play (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void Teardown (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void Pause (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void Reply (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void SetParameter (RTSPParserBase *msg)
void Announce (RTSPParserBase *msg)
RTSPParserBaseget_lastCmd ()
void set_lastCmd (RTSPParserBase *msg)
RTSPParserBaseget_lastReply ()
ProxyServer * getProxyServerFSA ()
MNList< ProxyClient * > * getProxyClientFSA ()
int getCSeqDown ()
void setCSeqDown (int cseq)
int getNextCSeqUp ()
void setProxyCaching (bool)
void setProxyStreaming (bool)
void setProxyPatching (bool)
bool getProxyCaching () const
bool getProxyStreaming () const
bool getProxyPatching () const
bool lookupProxyFormatswitching ()
 changed the name to lookup because the info is in the data pump
ProxyClient * getCacheSessionPC ()
ProxyClient * getClientSessionPC ()
dataPumpgetRTP ()
void setRTP (dataPump *)
bool doesDynReflection ()
void assignDownstreamSessionId ()
ProxyClientWrappergetProxyClientWrapper ()
DynReflectionRepositioningMode getDynReflectionRepositioningMode ()
unsigned int getDynReflectionSessionMemberCount ()
bool searchAndSetupReflectionSession (int presentationTime)
int getNptSeconds ()
void setNptSeek (int npt)
void forgetSession ()
MNString getOwnHostName ()
int getRtspSocketDown () const
u_int64_t getSessionID () const
void closeRtspSocketDown ()
void closeRtspSocketUp ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum RTSPProxySession::DynReflectionRepositioningMode

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RTSPProxySession::RTSPProxySession RTSPProxySessionFactory factory,
int  sessionID,
MNSelector slct,
int  fd_down,
MNString  url,
bool  doDynReflection = false

The session is always created by a proxy session factory. The calling factory must pass its this pointer to make sure of this. As a second parameter, the connection client's RTSP socket is passed, to allow the implicit teardown if the TCP connection to the client breaks for some reason.

factory The this pointer of the caller.
sessionID The session id that has been assigned by the session factory.
slct A selector that is at the center of the main thread.
fd_down The socket on which the request was received that triggered this describe or setup operation.

RTSPProxySession::~RTSPProxySession  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void RTSPProxySession::Announce RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::assignDownstreamSessionId  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::closeRtspSocketDown  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::closeRtspSocketUp  ) 

Closes the socket to the server. Note (VK): we have to revise this for several servers.

void RTSPProxySession::deref  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::Describe RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

bool RTSPProxySession::doesDynReflection  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::forgetSession  ) 

RTSPParserBase* RTSPProxySession::get_lastCmd  ) 

RTSPParserBase* RTSPProxySession::get_lastReply  ) 

ProxyClient* RTSPProxySession::getCacheSessionPC  ) 

ProxyClient* RTSPProxySession::getClientSessionPC  ) 

int RTSPProxySession::getCSeqDown  ) 

ControlBase* RTSPProxySession::getDownstream  ) 

DynReflectionRepositioningMode RTSPProxySession::getDynReflectionRepositioningMode  ) 

unsigned int RTSPProxySession::getDynReflectionSessionMemberCount  ) 

int RTSPProxySession::getNextCSeqUp  ) 

int RTSPProxySession::getNptSeconds  ) 

MNString RTSPProxySession::getOwnHostName  ) 

Retrieve the name of this proxy's interface that is used for the connection to the server. It is retrieved from the ControlBase that holds the connection to that server. The connection must be open.

bool RTSPProxySession::getProxyCaching  )  const

MNList<ProxyClient*>* RTSPProxySession::getProxyClientFSA  ) 

ProxyClientWrapper* RTSPProxySession::getProxyClientWrapper  ) 

bool RTSPProxySession::getProxyPatching  )  const

ProxyServer* RTSPProxySession::getProxyServerFSA  ) 

bool RTSPProxySession::getProxyStreaming  )  const

dataPump* RTSPProxySession::getRTP  ) 

int RTSPProxySession::getRtspSocketDown  )  const

Returns the RTSP-over-TCP socket that handles the communication with the client of this session. It is must only be called by the session factory.

u_int64_t RTSPProxySession::getSessionID  )  const

Returns the session id that was assigned by the session factory.

ControlBase* RTSPProxySession::getUpstream  ) 

MNString& RTSPProxySession::getUrl  ) 

bool RTSPProxySession::lookupProxyFormatswitching  ) 

changed the name to lookup because the info is in the data pump

void RTSPProxySession::Pause RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::Play RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::ref  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::Reply RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

bool RTSPProxySession::searchAndSetupReflectionSession int  presentationTime  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::set_lastCmd RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setCSeqDown int  cseq  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setFillBuffers ControlBase FBdown,
ControlBase FBup

void RTSPProxySession::setNptSeek int  npt  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::SetParameter RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setProxyCaching bool   ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setProxyPatching bool   ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setProxyStreaming bool   ) 

void RTSPProxySession::setRTP dataPump  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::Setup RTSPParserBase msg,
int  bw

the following are called by the RTSPProxy(Setup-/Describe-/...)Headers

void RTSPProxySession::start_fsa  ) 

void RTSPProxySession::storePtr2ReplyMsg RTSPParserBase base  ) 

the pointer to the request message header must be saved, as the header contains the message string which will be forwarded.

void RTSPProxySession::storePtr2RequestMsg RTSPParserBase base  ) 

the pointer to the request message header must be saved, as the header contains the message string which will be forwarded.

void RTSPProxySession::Teardown RTSPParserBase msg  ) 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Mar 6 13:36:13 2005 for Komssys by doxygen 1.3.8