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MNTFRCRecv Class Reference

#include <MNTFRCRecv.h>

Collaboration diagram for MNTFRCRecv:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MNTFRCRecv ()
virtual ~MNTFRCRecv ()
bool packet_received (tfrc_payload *packet, u_int16 seqnum, u_int32 ts, size_t length, LCfeedb_tfrc_t *reply)

Protected Attributes

int _ppl_cur
int _ppl_hist [HIST_SIZE]
int _ts_hist [HIST_SIZE]
int _seq_hist [HIST_SIZE]
int _ppl [MAX_WEIGHTS+1]
int _num_loss
int _weights
int _const_weights
int _data_per_report
u_int32 _round
u_int32 _mode
int32 _mseq_offs
int32 _high_offs
int32 _ppl_start
int32 _ppl_end
int64 _last_report
float _weight [MAX_WEIGHTS]
float _new_mult
double _rtt_ema
Timeval _start_time
Timeval _old_time
bool _first
MNMutex _timer_mutex

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


virtual MNTFRCRecv::~MNTFRCRecv  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

bool MNTFRCRecv::packet_received tfrc_payload packet,
u_int16  seqnum,
u_int32  ts,
size_t  length,
LCfeedb_tfrc_t reply

Member Data Documentation

int MNTFRCRecv::_const_weights [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_data_per_report [protected]

bool MNTFRCRecv::_first [protected]

int32 MNTFRCRecv::_high_offs [protected]

int64 MNTFRCRecv::_last_report [protected]

u_int32 MNTFRCRecv::_mode [protected]

int32 MNTFRCRecv::_mseq_offs [protected]

float MNTFRCRecv::_new_mult [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_num_loss [protected]

Timeval MNTFRCRecv::_old_time [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_ppl[MAX_WEIGHTS+1] [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_ppl_cur [protected]

int32 MNTFRCRecv::_ppl_end [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_ppl_hist[HIST_SIZE] [protected]

int32 MNTFRCRecv::_ppl_start [protected]

u_int32 MNTFRCRecv::_round [protected]

double MNTFRCRecv::_rtt_ema [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_seq_hist[HIST_SIZE] [protected]

Timeval MNTFRCRecv::_start_time [protected]

MNMutex MNTFRCRecv::_timer_mutex [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_ts_hist[HIST_SIZE] [protected]

float MNTFRCRecv::_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS] [protected]

int MNTFRCRecv::_weights [protected]

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