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MNRTPtime.h File Reference

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struct  ntp64


u_int32 get_upper_16bits (u_int32 x)
u_int32 get_lower_16bits (u_int32 x)
u_int32 get_middle_32bits (u_int32 x, u_int32 y)
ntp64 getntptime ()
u_int32 time2ts (const ntp64 &time, const ntp64 &time_first, u_int32 freq)

Function Documentation

u_int32 get_lower_16bits u_int32  x  )  [inline]

u_int32 get_middle_32bits u_int32  x,
u_int32  y

u_int32 get_upper_16bits u_int32  x  )  [inline]

ntp64 getntptime  ) 

Get the ntp time (out of gettimeofday).

A time in NTP format

u_int32 time2ts const ntp64 time,
const ntp64 time_first,
u_int32  freq

Transform a ntp64 to an RTP timestamp.
RTP timestamps are integer values that are strictly increasing in a payload-dependant frequency. Timestamps start at 0 (beginning of transmission), e.g. no random offset is calculated.

time The NTP time to be transformed
time_first The reference time, in this case the start of the RTP transmission (which is RPT timestamp 0 itself)
freq The payload-dependent timestamp frequency, e.g. given in Hz.
The RTP timestamp for time.

Generated on Sun Mar 6 13:35:50 2005 for Komssys by doxygen 1.3.8