Make losslists in MNRTPDecoderSH SSRC-dependent.
Separate losslists from MNRTPDecoderSH and put them into a separate SH. Update the GMs that use LC.
Do the same for MNRTPEncoderSH. Update the GMs that use LC.
Move RTP code documentation to the header and translate it to english.
Extract SDP and other content type code, put it into a separate subdirectory and into a separate namespace. Understand and document the content type selection. Verify that the interaction of RTSP/SDP and RTP code is correct.
Modify the client subsystem. Instead of forking a new process for the subsystem, keep a separate process from the beginning, and order that process through a pipe to fork the subsystem. In this way, speed is reduced because of the double indirection but reliability is increased because the communication process does not inherit any open files, specifically not X.
Separate RTSP and RTP parts. They should communication via pipes or UNIX-sockets. Use the same code that is used in the communication of client and client subsystem.