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PayloadTypes.h File Reference

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namespace  SDP


enum  PayloadTypes {
  PT_1016 = 1, PT_G721 = 2, PT_GSM = 3, PT_G723 = 4,
  PT_DVI4 = 5, PT_DVI42 = 6, PT_LPC = 7, PT_PCMA = 8,
  PT_G722 = 9, PT_L16 = 10, PT_L162 = 11, PT_QCELP = 12,
  PT_CN = 13, PT_MPA = 14, PT_G728 = 15, PT_DVI43 = 16,
  PT_DVI44 = 17, PT_G729 = 18, PT_CELLB = 25, PT_JPEG = 26,
  PT_CUSM = 27, PT_NV = 28, PT_PICW = 29, PT_CPV = 30,
  PT_H261 = 31, PT_MPV = 32, PT_MPEG = PT_MPV, PT_MP2T = 33,
  PT_H263 = 34, PT_SPEG = 35, PT_X_LD = 95, PT_D_GSM_HR = 200,
  PT_D_GSM_EFR = 201, PT_D_L8 = 202, PT_D_RED = 203, PT_D_VDVI = 204,
  PT_D_BT656 = 220, PT_D_H263_1998 = 221, PT_D_MP1S = 222, PT_D_MP2P = 223,
  PT_D_BMPEG = 224, PT_MP4V = 230, PT_MP4A = 237, PT_JVC_ASF = 255,
  PT_D_AVI = 256, PT_MAX = 257


PayloadTypes pt_from_int (int val)
bool is_known_pt (int val)
bool is_layered_pt (PayloadTypes val)
bool is_audio_pt (PayloadTypes val)
bool is_multiplexed_pt (PayloadTypes val)
int default_rate_from_pt (PayloadTypes pt)
int default_channels_from_pt (PayloadTypes pt)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &ostr, PayloadTypes t)

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PayloadTypes

A list of basic payload types that are defined by RTP profiles or by SDP. It is easier to transport these values than larger structures. Unfortunately the use of exactly these values is not completely mandatory, so mapping may be required. Private extensions are marked with the prefix MN_. This enum was originally called RTPPayloadTypes because most values must be from RTP profiles. But RTSP and SDP make use of these values and we use the values in various places throughout the code as well.

The comments indicate values that were defined by the RTP RFC or found somewhere else. If not in RFC 1889, the source is noted. Example: PCMU A 8000 1 means Encoding is PCMU, it's an audio codec, with 8000 Hz, mono IOP 2 means that this was found in draft-ietf-avt-profile-interop-02.txt

Enumeration values:
PT_PCMU  PCMU A 8000 1.
PT_1016  1016 A 8000 1
PT_G721  G721 A 8000 1.
PT_GSM  GSM A 8000 1.
PT_G723  G723 A 8000 1.
PT_DVI4  DVI4 A 8000 1.
PT_DVI42  DVI4 A 16000 1.
PT_LPC  LPC A 8000 1.
PT_PCMA  PCMA A 8000 1.
PT_G722  G722 A 8000 1.
PT_L16  L16 A 44100 2.
PT_L162  L16 A 44100 1.
PT_QCELP  QCELP A 8000 1 from IOP 2.
PT_CN  CN A 8000 1 from IOP 2.
PT_MPA  MPA A 8000 1.
PT_G728  G728 A 8000 1.
PT_DVI43  DVI4 A 11025 1 from IOP 2.
PT_DVI44  DVI4 A 22050 1 from IOP 2.
PT_G729  G729 A 8000 1 from IOP 2.
PT_CELLB  CelB V 90000.
PT_JPEG  JPEG V 90000.
PT_CUSM  CUSM V 90000 from pt_map, 23.4.99 IANA.
PT_NV  nv V 90000
PT_PICW  PicW V 90000 from pt_map, 23.4.99 IANA.
PT_CPV  CPV V 90000 from pt_map, 23.4.99 IANA.
PT_H261  H261 V 90000.
PT_MPV  MPV V 90000 (mpeg 1 and 2).
PT_MP2T  MP2T AV 90000 (mpeg 1 and 2).
PT_H263  H263 V 90000 from IOP 2.
PT_X_LD  X_LD V 9000 komssys layer dummy format.
PT_D_AVI  Interner PL fuer CodecL.

Function Documentation

int default_channels_from_pt PayloadTypes  pt  ) 

Returns default channels from payload type.

int default_rate_from_pt PayloadTypes  pt  ) 

Returns default rate from a payload type.

bool is_audio_pt PayloadTypes  val  ) 

certain Payload Type is an audio payload type.

bool is_known_pt int  val  ) 

Decides if certain Payload Type is known.

bool is_layered_pt PayloadTypes  val  ) 

Returns if certain Payload Type is a layered payload type.

bool is_multiplexed_pt PayloadTypes  val  ) 

certain Payload Type is multiplexed payload type.

ostream& operator<< ostream &  ostr,
PayloadTypes  t

PayloadTypes pt_from_int int  val  ) 

Returns Payload Type from value

Generated on Sun Mar 6 13:35:50 2005 for Komssys by doxygen 1.3.8